
Pixel-O-Graphic challenges participants to explore the intricate interplay between the digital and analog worlds. This competition encourages photographers to dive into the realm where pixels meet reality, creating images that blend, juxtapose, or highlight the convergence of digital graphics and tangible elements. The competition is a celebration of the artistry and creativity found in both digital manipulation and traditional photographic techniques.

1. Two students from Classes 9 to 12 will be allowed to represent the school. 2. On 1st August (Day 1) participants will be given a topic on spot and have to click a photo on that topic. 3. Each participant can submit only one final photo. 4. The photo must be submitted via link shared with you. 5. Editing is allowed. Participants may use any editing app/software to do so. 6. Plagiarism will lead to disqualification. 7. Photos submitted must be at least 640 pixels on the shorter side, and no more than 2000 pixels on the longer side. Images should be no larger than 2MB. 8. Photos must be in JPEG format. 9. Participants are required to provide a unique title & description for each image submitted. 10. The judging process will be conducted on 2nd August 2024 from 10am to 11:30am. 11. Students will need to project their images and give an optional one minute introduction to them.