Byte - Battles

Python Byte-Battles is a thrilling coding extravaganza that brings together programmers of all levels to showcase their Python prowess.

Classes: 11 & 12
No of students in a team: 1
No. of teams allowed per school: 1
Mode: Offline
Language: Python
Platform: HackerRank
Time Limit: Participants will have a specified time frame to solve as many problems as possible.
1. The participants will have to solve various problems based on Python basics, data structure, logic, patterns and algorithms. 2. Participants may access the original Python documentation but cannot copy-paste the code. 3. The teams found to have simply copied the code would be immediately disqualified. Use of ChatGPT is strictly prohibited. 4. Each problem will have a predetermined score, and the participants' score will depend on the number of successful test cases. The difficulty and the score of each problem increase as participants progress through the contest. 5. Participants will be ranked by their scores. If two or more participants achieve the same score, the tie will be broken by the total time to submit the last solution. 6. The time taken and space complexity will be considered in a draw to declare the winners. 7. The participants will have to abide by the results announced by the judges.