
Design thinking & Coding Hackathon

Explore the dynamic world of technology at InnoVVate! This event brings together students from various backgrounds to demonstrate their skills and creativity in tackling real-world challenges. You will collaborate with your team members, ideate on innovative solutions, and receive expert mentorship to bring your ideas to life. With exciting experience of real-world implementation, InnoVVate is perfect for everyone, from seasoned tech enthusiasts to newcomers. Join us or a transformative experience that promotes learning, collaboration, and innovation in a supportive environment. This hackathon extends a warm welcome to students with a passion for technology, including: • Coders and programmers
• Problem-solvers and analytical thinkers
• Designers and creative minds
• Technology enthusiasts from all disciplines

Rules and Regulations

Outline of the Hackathon:

● Classes: 9 -12
● No of students in a team: 4
● No. of teams allowed per school: 2
● Mode: Offline
● Teams will carry their laptops and devices for the Hackathon.
● The Hackathon Coding competition will take place over 2 days.
- Day 1 (8:30 am onwards) - Hackathon Round
- Day 2 (8.30 am onwards) - Presentation Round

The hackathon integrates design thinking concepts and coding competencies to prepare the final

● Empathise: Participants register and participate in solving real-world challenges.
● Define: Teams brainstorm to identify project design and establish a clear direction.
● Ideate: Participants creatively explore and develop potential coding solutions during designand development activities.
● Prototype and Test: Teams refine and test their coding projects, iterating to enhance solution effectiveness.

DAY 1 Hackathon Round Submission Requirements for Students in the First Round of the Hackathon:

● Problem Assignment: Tackle the assigned problem statements.
● Brainstorming and Project Description: Participate in brainstorming with your team members and submit a 200-word description of the project concept.
● Slide Preparation: Create three slides to communicate the project idea effectively.
● Development Tasks: Engage in practical design and development tasks, including website creation/app creation.
● Project Refinement and Video: Refine the design and produce a one-minute video demonstrating the working solution.
● Continued Access for Improvements: Teams can continue to enhance the project on the designated shared drive until the 8 p.m. deadline.

DAY 2 Presentation Round: Second-Round Requirements for the Hackathon:

● Live Presentations: Participants will deliver live work presentations.
● Scheduled Time Slots: Each team is allocated a specific time slot.
● Presentation Time Limit: Presentations are limited to 4 minutes per team.
● Content Requirements: Working video and the three slides prepared during Day 1.
● Q&A: Teams will be responding to the questions put forward by the judges

Programming Language/platforms:

● Python / Java/ HTML, CSS and Javascript/ Flutter/ No-Code platforms like Glide/ MIT app inventor/ Thunkable/ XCODE

Submissions and Results

To submit their project, all teams must upload their project files, documentation, a demo video, and any other relevant materials to the specific Google Drive folder assigned by the organising team. Teams must also carefully read and follow the rules and guidelines to meet all submission requirements and deadlines.

Honour Code

All participants must uphold the principles of integrity and respect, fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation. They must also commit to producing original work and giving full credit for all ideas and codes, not their own. This honour code ensures a fair and ethical competition.