Offline Odyssey: Rediscovering Reality

Multimedia Contest

In today's interconnected world, digital media has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of young people's lives, shaping their experiences, relationships, and perceptions in profound ways. From the moment they wake up to the instant they drift off to sleep, screens are omnipresent companions, offering a portal to a vast digital universe. Social media platforms have become virtual playgrounds where friendships are forged, milestones celebrated, and opinions voiced. Yet, alongside the opportunities and connectivity digital media affords, there are also perils lurking in the shadows. The incessant bombardment of curated content and filtered images distorts perceptions of reality, fostering a culture of comparison and self-doubt. The Vasant Valley Multimedia Contest 2024 offers a platform for aspiring young filmmakers to converge, collaborate, and showcase their talents in the digital realm. The topic for this year’s competition is - "Offline Odyssey: Rediscovering Reality". The film follows a group of young people navigating the sudden disappearance of digital media, embarking on a transformative journey to reconnect with the tangible world and forge genuine human connections in an increasingly virtual age.

Rules and Regulations

1. The team must comprise of 4 members from Classes 9 to 12. 2. The duration of the films must be a maximum of 8 minutes excluding a one-minute optional live introduction or conclusion by the team members. 3. The films must have original content and should not be downloaded from the net. Such films will be disqualified. Videos used in the film must be original. Not more than 1 minute of video downloaded from the internet can be used. 4. It must contain all multimedia elements such as videos, visual effects, music and images to put forward the team's perspective on the topic. 5. The teams need to upload their completed films in mp4 format latest by 27th July 2024. The link for uploading the films will be shared after registration. 6. There will be no live speaking while the film is running (other than the introduction/conclusion which can happen either before the film starts or after it concludes). Commentary should be incorporated in the sound track of the presentation itself. 7. The contest will be in two rounds. For the first round teams will be divided into 2-3 Pools, out of which 3-4 teams will be chosen from each pool for the final round. 8. Teams may be asked to go through a technical interview after the first round is over if the judges feel that a substantial part of the film has been plagiarised. The technical judge can ask any group how they made the presentation and question them on the tools and techniques used. However good their film may be, teams must clear the technical interview in order to qualify for the final round. 9. The films will be judged on storyline, use of multimedia, aesthetics and creativity. 10. There will be a panel of three judges for the final round. Vasant Valley School reserves the right to appoint the judges and the decision of the judges will be final.